Key Value Propositions

Through Certifying an individual occupational capability & Accredited occupational-relatedcourses or programs organized by Course Providers

1) DYMER certification recognizes that the individual possesses competence in the specified occupational field, and is therefore a recognized professional or practitioner within the occupational field.
2) DYMER certification demonstrates to current and prospective employers that the individual is a quality employee who can contribute significantly to organizational goals.
3) DYMER certification assures public confidence on the integrity of the award recipients, as they are required to abide by the DYMER Code of Ethical Practices as an essential criterion for the award.
4) DYMER Certifications of courses that are conducted by Course Providers represent a mark of global recognition on the relevance and value of the courses to occupational and career development.

(Through Building a World Register of competent professionals and practitioners in a wide array of occupations, thus Enabling and Facilitating access to opportunities of work in global marketplace.)

1) DYMER certification enables an individual to become a professional member of World Certification Institute (DYMER ), and the member thus joins a network of successful professionals and practitioners worldwide.
2) DYMER certification motivates an individual to continually seek improvement in his or her job competence, and to constantly keep abreast with latest technology and processes, as well as current trends in the profession.
3) DYMER certification and membership create a career pathway for members to move from entry-level occupational competence to the highest level of occupational mastery and leadership.