Present Accreditation

Management Board of Accreditation Services

Emirates International Accreditation Center (EIAC)

Accreditations Applied

National Accreditation Board

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Unaccredited Certification

DIMS Services Pvt. Ltd. policy is to provide accredited certification wherever possible. Some schemes do not have an accreditation and in those cases we still apply the same rigor, processes, competence requirements and impartiality as if it were accredited.

Unaccredited certification can be an attractive way of achieving certification quickly and cheaply. However, it can have serious shortcomings including:

  1. Failure to meet customer requirements, particularly contractual obligations
  2. Lack of integrity which can damage reputation
  3. Wasted time, budget and resources

The Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) has published a position statement on unaccredited certification on its website (BIS policy on unaccredited certification).